The National Coordination Center Against Violent Extremism and the Counseling Line for Women and Girls hosted the opening event today with the theme:
“Advancements in Security and Equality: Albania’s Supportive Policies, Initiatives, and Achievements in Eliminating Violence Against Women.”
This event highlighted:
The psycho-social and economic support Albania provides to eliminate violence against women.
The progress made in women’s leadership and involvement in the field of security.
A special thanks to:
✅Ministria e Shëndetësisë dhe Mbrojtjes Sociale
✅The Association of Women in Albanian State Police
✅The Albanian Armed Forces Defence and Security College
✅AWEN – Albanian Women Empowerment Network
for their contribution and support in making this important event possible.
#16Days #asnjejustifikim #EndViolenceAgainstWomen #GenderEquality #Security #Support #EndingViolence