As part of the project “Citizen Engagement and Education of Boys and Girls: The “Be a Man” Club,” supported by the Ministry of Youth and Children and the National Youth Agency, after a long preparatory period, young participants took part in the closing event of the Bootcamp held at the “Misto Treska” library.
With the aim of raising awareness in the youth community, the participants shared innovative ideas on topics that are present in society. From their perspective as agents of change, seeing themselves as participants and decision-makers in social changes within important institutions like family, school, and community, they presented their ideas to the evaluation jury.
The topics they contributed to focused on:
1. Domestic and gender-based violence in intimate relationships;
2. Reproductive health;
3. Sexual health;
4. Digital abuse, etc.
At the end of the event, three awards (I, II, III) were given for the most innovative ideas presented:
1st Prize: Klavjo Pajo
2nd Prize: Era Çolla
3rd Prize: Klint Gjinaj
The project “Civic Engagement and Education of Boys and Girls: The “Be a Man” Club” is implemented by the organization “Linja e Këshillimit për Gra dhe Vajza” with the support of the National Youth Agency AKR Bora Muzhaqi. National Youth Agency AKR Bora Muzhaqi #AKR #MSHRF
#agjenciakombëtareerinisë #ministriishtetitperrininëdhefëmijët #thirrjaiipërrininë #riniapërrininë #linjakeshillimitpergraevajza #Angazhimi qytetar dhe edukimi i djemve dhe vajzave: Klubi “Bëhu Burrë